Friday, October 29, 2004

Not as a Last Resort

Category: Harry Potter
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Rating: PG
No. of Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes

Summary: Ron, Hermione, a snowstorm, and Hagrid's cabin. Takes place during 5th year.

"Look, it's just - " Ron continued to stare at the
ceiling. His entire body tensed under the quilt and his voice seemed
incapable of choosing an octave. "Do you - d'you want to go together?"

The sounds of wind and snow seemed to vanish all at once. A hush
wrapped the one room cabin, muffling the outside world. Hermione
stared wonderingly at Ron's profile, not even searching for words.

She couldn't answer. Her heart had stopped.

Ron fidgeted and caught a short, necessary-sounding breath, as if
he hadn't breathed in several minutes. "I figured you were prob'ly
already going with someone," he said, his voice a dull, embarrassed
rush. Even in the dark, he managed to go red. "So that's fine - "

"Oh no - " Hermione gasped, finally finding air
enough to support her voice " - no, Ron, I want to go with you."

She blushed. Hard. That had been rather obvious. But it didn't
matter - nothing mattered - Hermione's entire education was presently
reduced to one, essential fact. Ron had asked her to the Ball.
She would be going with him.

Click here to read

See? I'm not just a Draco/Hermione shipper. I love Ron/Hermione fics as well. And I believe that no Ron/Hermione fan should go on living without having read this. It's the best R/H fic I've ever read.

Ron and Hermione in this story are so in-character, it's almost creepy, like it could really be a chapter in the actual books, if only there hadn't been so much going on at Hogwarts during their 5th year. Oh, well. I'm sure you'll like it. Everyone I know who's read it does.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Omnia Vincit Amor (Love Conquers All)

Category: Harry Potter
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: R
No. of Chapters: 1
Completed: Yes
Christi Talmer

Summary: Hermione Granger has been seeking her revenge for a decade. But when she finds what she's looking for, is it really what she's wanted all along?

I made the art of watching Malfoy out of the corner of my eye into a
science. The way his hair fell across his face was nothing less than Botticelli,
and (I don't think he realized this) his school-day habit of chewing on his
quill while deep in thought was no less adorable years later. If he suddenly
found inspiration while chewing, his eyebrows lifted just a quarter of an inch,
thought-gathering, before ink touched paper...

Click here to read

One of the best Draco/Hermione fics out there, the fact that it's a one-shot, definitely adds to it's positive traits as you don't need a lot of time to read it (though even if you did, I think it's worth the time). It's Post-Hogwarts and Post-Voldemort so the characters are older, hence the R rating.

I decided to make this my first recommendation as this is mostly the reason I am a D/Hr shipper even if, for the real HP books, I'm rooting for Ron and Hermione to get together. This is the story that got me to believe that it's really possible to write Draco and Hermione developing feelings, other than hate, for each other. Anyway, for those of you who don't like D/Hr ships, hopefully this is enough to change your mind.


So I said to myself, "It's a shame that these great fanfic writers I find don't get the number of reviews they deserve," when I saw that there are a lot of authors in who don't use the "Favorites" function of their accounts. I was also getting sick of how when I rave about a certain story I just read, hardly anybody can relate. And so I plugged some of the best stories I've read in my original blog. But still, it went unnoticed, because there were a lot of other entries and not enough space to keep a permanent link on the entry regarding fanfiction. That's why I came up with this. I've already made a separate blog for my movie reviews anyway.

Fan Fiction is created when one is so obsessed about something (book, TV series, movie, etc.), that he/she can't think of anything else, and so sometimes his/her mind (even without meaning to) concocts scenarios, dialogue, and many other things fictitious about their obsession. And although they know that these ideas aren't completely their own, they know it would be a shame to just forget about them as a lot of times, they are very good ideas. After all, who, other than the original authors, are better to explore the events, characters, etc. of different stories and show what other events involving them could happen, than the people who think about them the most--the fans?

I think fan fiction should be recognized as a real literary genre, if it isn't yet. It is for this reason that, I made this blog, to be able to share to others the product of normal people's imagination--a place of endless possibilities, the world of fan fiction.

I am a very slow reader. This is why I really haven't read as much fan fiction as most fan fiction readers are supposed to have read. But I'm only a slow reader, because I'm also a careful reader. And so you can be sure, that whatever story I recommend here, it has been read, right to the last period, and so I would most probably genuinely know what I'm talking about when I give it comments. But I'm putting quotations from the texts anyway, just in case you need more than my word to be convinced.

Well, that's it for my Introduction. I hope you like the stories I'll soon be telling you about.